Terms And Conditions
Please read the following conditions of application prior to completing your application form. By signing the above application form you are accepting these conditions detailed in this document and admission into the event.
- Mount Isa Rodeo Inc. must ensure that the safety of the community, organisers, staff and
competitors are covered throughout the event. Therefore, a signed copy of the “Conditions
of Use & Admission” form, copy of current Public and Product liability Insurance must accompany your application form. - The trade site vendor must maintain with an insurance company, adequate public and products liability insurance for the duration of the 2018 Mount Isa Rodeo.
- Refunds on cancellations, less administration fees, will only be paid if the cancellation is made more than 28 days prior to the event. The following administration fees apply: -
- Ten percent (10%) if cancellation occurs more than 28 days before the first trading date.
- Twenty five percent (25%) if the cancellation occurs less than 28 days prior but more than 7 days to the first trading date.
- No refund will be given if cancellation occurs less than 7 days prior to the first trading date
- Each vendor will be allocated a site and paid for accordingly. This site cannot be exchanged. The size of the site allocated will be as per the site frontage and site depth applied for on this form. If the vendor requires a replenishment vehicle please include the vehicle area in the size of the site. NO LATITUDE WILL BE GIVEN. No selling, canvassing, hawking or distribution of printed or other matter will be permitted outside the area assigned to the vendor. Failure to comply with this stipulation will warrant the confiscation of such articles/goods and the eviction of the offending persons from Buchanan Park Events Complex. If the vendor is dissatisfied with the allocated site, the vendor should withdraw immediately. Do not arrive at the Rodeo expecting to negotiate another site. The Mount Isa Rotary Rodeo Inc. reserves the right to move a vendor should the need arise.
- No subletting is allowed.
- All vendors must provide own shelter, tables, chairs etc. to set up and maintain their site.
- All sites must be kept clean and completely free of rubbish during trading and when the trade site is vacated at the finish of the event. A Bond Is required and will be returned if ALL rubbish is removed and site is left in the same manner it was found, otherwise cleaning charges will be taken from the bond.
- The vendor must comply with all statutory obligations under the Workplace Health and Safety Act and any regulations made under it, Safe Food (Qld) and any regulations made under it, the Electrical Safety Act 2002 and any regulations made under it, the Dangerous Goods Safety Management act 2001 and any regulations made under it and any applicable Advisory Standards. Industry Codes of Practice or Australian Standards with apply in Queensland.
- Only those goods of the nature stated on the application form are to be displayed and/or sold. The Staff of Mount Isa Rodeo shall retain the power to enter upon the vendor’s site and remove any article, sign, picture or printed matter which may be deemed as obscene or likely to cause offence to the general public and/or officials of the Mount Isa Rodeo Inc.
- The Trade Space vendor indemnifies the Mount Isa Rodeo Inc. and its personnel against all expenses, losses, damages and costs that they may sustain or incur as a result of any claims made by any person against the Trade Space Vendor before, during and after the 2018 Mount Isa Rodeo .
- All vendors will be allocated either two (2) or four (4) – dependent on site, complimentary staff entry passes for the duration of the Rodeo. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure all employees have passes to enter the grounds otherwise employees must pay entry at the gate. Additional staff passes will be available at a special price of $30.00 per person for the event’s duration. These passes can only be purchased in advance and will need to be included and paid with your application. The Trade vendor shall not under any circumstances dispose of in any way, staff passes to any person who is not an employee or agent of the vendor.
- All Trade spaces will need to be in place no later than 4pm Wednesday 8th August 2019. Set up
can commence from 10am Tuesday 7th August 2018. Any vendors set up in the wrong area will be moved. No structure or goods or chattels owned or used by the vendor shall overhang or protrude beyond the boundaries of the allocated Trade Space site. Unauthorised vehicles will be towed away at the owner’s expense. - Camp sites are available at Buchanan Park for vendors not camping with their trade site. Please contact the Rodeo Office for booking information.
- Market vendors will be allowed one (1) vehicle inside the grounds. Your registration number must be included in your
application as this will be recorded on your allocated car pass. - If a vendor requires a trailer on site, approval must be requested at the time of application.
- For vendors that require power, only two points per site are allocated. You are welcome to use your own generator.
- Each vendor must have all their electrical equipment, power packs, and electrical leads, tested and tagged, by licensed Electrical Contractors, with approved and current up to date test tags and also must have available, their audited list of their electrical equipment brought onto the site, even if it is not intended to beused at the venue and each vendor will be required to provide on demand to the Grounds Director, Electrical Authority Inspector or any member of the Management Committee, such proof as necessary when requested, as well as conform to any instructions given by the Grounds Director or nominated official should any electrical lead, equipment or item become faulty or damaged while on site at the venue.
- Each vendor will be required to keep their site clean and safe at all times and self-removal of rubbish and waste from their site is to be deposited in the industrial bins located throughout the venue and not swept, blown, dumped or dropped anywhere else on the grounds. FEES WILL BE INCURRED IF THIS RULE IS NOT FOLLOWED.
- Each vendor may wash or hose down their ground site (outside trading hours) but at noinconvenience to any other entity or cause any mess, dirt, mud or slippery and dangerous conditions. We would encourage vendors to keep their sites as clean and dust free as possible.
- Waste water and liquids are never to be allowed to run onto the grounds or into drains and must be stored and disposed of at the appropriate waste facilities – Located at Buchanan Park Complex (George Street side) and Outback @ Isa on Marian Street.
- Please note that Vendors failing to adhere to these rules may be removed from Buchanan Park Events Complex and may be refused entry to future Mount Isa Rodeo Inc. Events.
- On behalf of Mount Isa City Council, we have included the appropriate paper work for food vendors, which are required to be completed and returned to the Mount Isa City Council along with application fees if applicable.
- The following guidelines will need to be followed:
- All temporary food stalls must fill in an application form from the Mount Isa City Council and pay the fee for the four days. An audit will be conducted on the 11th of August 2018 or at any time during the event.
- During the audit all food stall owners must produce either an annual certificate issued by Mount Isa City Council or another Shire in Queensland;
- Outside Queensland annual food license holders must apply for a temporary license issued by Mount Isa City
Council; - Food Stall owners must fill in the checklist and provide to the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) during the audit. The EHO will then go through the checklist during the audit. A Certificate will be issued on completion of the audit;
- It is important that all temporary food stalls submit their applications to Council before the 1st June 2018 in order for Council to generate the licenses and tax invoices.
- Non-profit organisations must also fill in the application form.
- Please ensure any pets/animals are restrained at all times and away from the front of your trade site.
- All trade site employees are to wear their employee lanyard and wristband, be of neat and tidy appearance and be courteous to rodeo patrons, customers, staff, volunteers and officials at all times.
- All vendors must agree to use, and put into practice, the AWOP Wristband System as their only method of currency whilst trading at the 2019 Isa Rodeo. Open and Obvious Inspections will be carried out during the event and Mystery Shoppers will also be engaged. Any vendor found to be using cash, eftpos or any other method of payment other than the AWOP Wristband System will be asked to immediately cease trading and will be escorted off site. Your Bond will also be forfeited.